Posts by tag: Basics

12 years ago

Booking A Specific Hotel

Booking A Specific Hotel

In this article, I’ll talk about the best ways to book specific hotels at the best rate. Since you will be buying a specific hotel, you will want to play the booking engines against each other and literally have them fight for your business. This is different from when you are flexible on your hotel, where you have the hotels fight for your business.

12 years ago

Booking a Hotel using Priceline – Overview

Booking a Hotel using Priceline – Overview

Priceline is a great way to access unused rooms through Name Your Own Price and Express Deals
Name your own price lets YOU dictate a price
Express Deals offers you a price at which you can buy the hotel
You buy a hotel based solely on neighbourhood, star level and dates
You find out the actual hotel once the reservation is made
Rooms a non-refundable once a reservation is made
Savings can be higher than 50% off rack rates in some situations

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